Dental Law

BPE Law Group provides comprehensive legal representation for dentists throughout California, Nevada and Washington.

Operating, building and maintaining a dental business is difficult enough, it should not be made more complicated by navigating the legal structures associated with practicing dentistry in California, Nevada and Washington.

Dental Business Structures

Choosing a business structure – whether it be a sole proprietorship, partnership or professional corporation is one of the most important aspects of starting your practice. It affects future liability, protection of personal assets, succession and tax planning. The business and corporate attorneys at BPE Law understand the importance of not only properly establishing your business structure, but more importantly maintaining your business structure.

After choosing your business structure the attorneys at BPE Law will assist in forming and registering the business with the States of California, Nevada and Washington, preparing and submitting any fictitious name applications and register your trade name within the proper counties and structuring your corporate documents to govern your business entity.

Business Location

Whether leasing, buying or developing, BPE Law is a proven legal expert in the real estate market. The lawyers at BPE Law recognize the complexity of business real estate transactions and have the experience to simplify the process for you. With well over 500 real estate transactions under their belts, the attorneys at BPE Law have the real world experience to assist today’s dentist in establishing their business location whether leasing, buying or developing.

Business Transactions

Whether it is practice sales, associate buy­ins or equipment sales, it is important to have seasoned counsel assisting you with your transaction. The attorneys at BPE Law understand the “art of the deal” but also understand the implications of the deal. The question is not whether the deal is risky (every transaction has risk), the questions are what are the risks, what are the implications of the risk and is the deal worth the risk? The attorneys at BPE Law use practical, time tested, real world experience to handle the risks on your behalf.

Estate and Succession Planning

Planning for your future is a necessity. Whether it is having a plan in place when you retire or a tragedy that prevents you from practicing, it is imperative to have your succession planning complete and up to date.

For your personal planning that’s a comprehensive estate plan, including a trust, will, powers of attorney for health care and finances which covers the disposition of your assets upon your death.

For your business planning that means a buy/sale agreement or retirement plan as you begin to phase out of your daily practice. The attorneys at BPE Law have a long history in guiding their clients in future planning matters. Estate and Succession planning was such an important core practice area of the firm at its inception, that the “E” in BPE stands for Estate Planning.

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